Masala Tea | masala chai | how-to-make-masal-chai

The Winter is coming but Game of ghrina is not. So basically I am here to tell a good recipe of MASALA TE most famous among indians and because winter is approaching I thought I must contemplate to creat a A Tea friendly blog.
Every one has story of tea from India but let me first tell you the story of making it. Some other day I will definitely tell you the story.
It is suppos to be believed that tea makes you feel warmer and keep you aways from cold.
You know the mixture of spices is known as masala in India.
Every other Indian has a different recipe of making masala tea but today I am going to tell you how a masal tea is made at road side tapri.
Do not forget to subscribe because next time I am going to share his story with you guys.
To make masala tea  you will need some spice given below
1. Gingger
2. Black pepper
3. Cardamom
4. Fennel
5. Cloves
6. Tea leaves 
8. Sugar

Now you will need some water according to your quantity how much you wanna make.
You will need some milk as well.
Steps to make masala tea(chay)

1. You need to crush all the spice so that you can get taste.
I am going to tell you this method when want to serve 3 to 4 people

Crushed spices
2 cloves
3 cardamom green

1/2 of cinemon
1 tea spoon tea powder
3 tea spoon sugar

Now put a vessel on stove and all the time keep it in a mediums Flame.
 1. Add 3 cups of water and after 2 or 3 minutes when it turns hot put tea leaves in it.

2. Now add ginger in it mind you ginger should be chopped and crushed.

3. Add 3 spoons of sugar and taste it if it is enough other wise you can add 1/2 spoon more.

4. After 4 to 5 minutes pour milk you have
And keep it on lower medium flame and let it turn dark not so much but some almond colour.

Keep it until it reduces to 2 or 3 cups and now your tea is all ready to serve.

Hope you like it
